It wasn’t surprising when the Minds Matter of San Francisco’s second annual Spring Gala sold out. With countless young professionals invited to dance the night away at the Julia Morgan Ballroom, the turnout was bound to be a smash! Social media, surrounding the event, was abuzz, capturing the palpable excitement leading up to the big night. “I haven’t been this excited for an event since my bar mitzvah,” a gala guest said.
The 800 some attendees learned about the Spring Gala from a variety of sources. Many guests found out about the gala through Minds Matter of San Francisco volunteers, but others got wind of the party from social calendars, like Sosh.
On the short walk to the after party, a first time Spring Gala guest said it wouldn’t be her last time. “From getting all dressed up and walking on the red carpet, to mingling and dancing inside the beautiful Julia Morgan Ballroom, the Minds Matter Gala was definitely a must-do SF experience,” Katherine Kramer said. “I can’t wait to go again next year!”